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NDE of Composite Gas Cylinders

Date: November 07, 2003

The Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center has announced the availability of their report on identifying viable NDE techniques for inspection of composite gas cylinders.

Composite Gas cylinders are found in applications where high strength and lightweight cylinders are desired. Composite Gas Cylinders are widely used by firefighters, rescue workers, and natural gas vehicles. The NTIAC study sought to find an accurate and effective NDE method as an alternative to existing methods which are highly subjective and can miss potentially significant cylinder weakness.

Working under contract with the US Department of Transportation, the NTIAC researched existing NDE methods and recommended Thermography as one of four techniques for further testing. The other techniques were Ultrasonics, Acoustic Emission, and Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA). The first three techniques were included in a feasibility study conducted jointly with several vendors of NDE test systems. TSA was not included due to a lack of interest from vendors solicited for participation in the feasibility study.

Based upon findings and conclusions of the feasibility study, NTIAC recommends that both Acoustic Emission and Thermography be further studied in follow-on work. According the NTIAC, both techniques were able to demonstrably accept and reject cylinders based on their assessed damage conditions.


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