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Infraspection Announces Application-Specific Distance Learning

Burlington, NJ March 24, 2005—Infraspection Institute, the world’s foremost authority in infrared training, is pleased to announce the addition of several applications courses to our Distance Learning program for infrared thermography Now students don’t have to leave their home or office in order to receive the world’s best thermographic training. Thermographers can take their infrared training wherever and whenever it’s convenient.
According to Jim Seffrin, Director of Infraspection Institute, “We have recently added several new application-specific courses. Each application-specific course covers infrared theory and heat transfer concepts, equipment selection & operation, applicable standards, report generation, and specific information pertinent to the subject application. Each of these courses is equivalent to our traditional 16 hour courses and allows students to choose the training that best suits their needs.”
Application-specific Distance Learning Courses include:
- Infrared Inspection of Electrical Systems
- Infrared Inspection of Mechanical Systems
- Infrared Inspection for Roof Consultants
- Infrared Inspection for Roof Contractors
“Our Distance Learning Courses are based upon our Level 1, 2, and 3 course content and meet all ASNT training requirements for the certification of NDT personnel. All courses are taught by Infraspection Institute Level 3 Certified Infrared Thermographers™, each having over 20 years of professional experience.”
All Distance Learning Courses are divided into narrated 1-hour units allowing students to work at a convenient pace. Each course unit is designed to build upon the previous units of the course. Students may return to individual course units at any time for review. Infraspection Institute’s Distance Learning Courses allow individuals to tailor their infrared education through a wide selection of applications and industry specific courses.
For additional info:
Call: 609-239-4788