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Shay Wins District Competition!

March 29, 2007 (Norco, CA)—Shay Edwards, a 16-year-old science student at Norco High School, which has an enrollment of over 2,300 students, in Norco, California, won the District Science Fair competition held earlier this month.
This was the 23 annual Science and Engineering Fair to be held in the Corona Norco School District, which is located approximately 45 miles southeast of Los Angeles, California in the western section of Riverside County. It is the fastest growing school district in Southern California. Edwards secured his spot at the District Level after taking first place at his individual school competition in February.
Shay’s Topic: Correlation of Thermographic Assessment of Vascular Reactions With BMI, Heart Rate, and Stress
Having successfully competed at the District Level, Edwards will be among the 48 projects that advance to the four county competition to be held in April. More than 290 top science students from the Corona Norco Unified School District, with an enrollment I excess of 50,000 competed for a spot to go on to the county competition. Shay’s project is titled, Correlation of Thermographic Assessment of Vascular Reactions With BMI, Heart Rate, and Stress
In his current experiment, Shay utilized a thermal imager to assess vascular reactions to continue his research to see if there is a direct correlation between body mass index, heart rate and the current stress level of the participants in one of three groups, smokers, diabetics, or a normal control group. In this study he hopes to conclude the potential usefulness of thermal imaging technology to evaluate and monitor autonomic vascular reactions and whether thermal imagery can be used to effectively detect pre-clinical stages of circulatory problems. The anomalies from previous research are now specifically categorized.
Shay offers special recognition to Jim Seffrin, Director of Infraspection Institute, who has served as a resource and mentor for Shay during the past five years. Shay is especially thankful for all of the support of this year’s IR/INFO Conference attendees who became willing participants in his current research.