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BuildScanIR™ Co-Sponsors IR/INFO 2008

Date: August 23, 2007

BuildScanIR™, a division of Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc., has announced its co-sponsorship of IR/INFO 2008. Hosted annually by Infraspection Institute, IR/INFO is an educational conference and technical symposium for infrared thermography and related P/PM, PdM and NDT technologies. IR/INFO 2008 will be held January 13-16, 2008, at the Holiday Inn International Drive Resort Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Greg Stockton, President of SITS states, “Thermography has become an integral inspection tool for many building and home inspectors. To be effective, an infrared thermographer must know the limitations of their imager, the way that buildings absorb and radiate heat energy, and the best time to perform a given IR survey. He/she must have an imager capable of finding and documenting problems and most importantly, an understanding of thermal dynamics and building physics.”

Jim Seffrin, Director of Infraspection Institute adds, “We are very pleased to be working with BuildScanIR™. The past few years have seen increased usage of thermography for building diagnostics. In light of this, for IR/INFO 2008 we have expanded our coverage of infrared thermography for building diagnostics. We look forward to many valuable contributions from BuildScanIR™ members.”

At IR/INFO 2008, BuildScanIR™ thermographers from across the country will be presenting cutting edge papers and short courses on specialized applications for buildings. “This is an opportunity for BuildScanIR™ thermographers from very different climates to share their experiences in building thermography with others who wish to learn about this valuable building evaluation tool,” says Greg Stockton.

Mr. Seffrin concludes, “Thermography is a dynamic technology that is constantly evolving. IR/INFO is an excellent way to keep abreast of current industry trends, challenges and opportunities. At IR/INFO 2008, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from leading industry experts and to share ideas and experiences with their peers in an open, relaxed atmosphere. Regardless of your experience level, IR/INFO is a must-attend event for all professional thermographers.”

For more information or to register for IR/INFO 2008, call 609-239-4788 or visit the IR/INFO 2008 website.

II_logoInfraspection Institute is the world’s foremost authority in infrared training and certification. Founded in 1980, Infraspection Institute has trained and certified nearly 10,000 thermographers worldwide. Since 1987, Infraspection has hosted the annual IR/INFO conference as a forum for information exchange in the thermographic, NDT, and P/PM realms. IR/INFO is a unique gathering dedicated to the exchange of information that is practical, relevant and comprehensive.

08_23_2007_BUILDSCANIRlogoStockton Infrared Thermographic Services, founded in 1989 by Gregory R. Stockton, is an industry leader and innovator of a number of infrared applications. BuildScanIR™ Network is the largest group of private thermographers in North America. Membership in the network is free and the site is geared toward educating home inspectors, homeowners, building inspectors, building managers, and service providers as to the uses of infrared thermography in building sciences. BuildScanIR™ Services provides state-of-the-art building infrared thermographic surveys used in litigation to locate structural defects, track down moisture in building components, find missing insulation, detect thermal envelope problems and discover building design flaws.


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