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Large format thermal imaging

Benefiting from proprietary focal plane array technology the EMERALD camera range from CEDIP Infrared Systems ( ) represents the leading edge in large format, high performance thermal imaging systems.
Using advanced large format (640×512 pixel) InSb, HgCdTe and Quantum Well (QWIP) focal plane array technologies the EMERALD is able to offer an infrared image at full TV-size format in both the MWIR (3-5 µm) and LWIR range (8 – 12 µm). Operating in snap shot detection mode EMERALD cameras deliver thermal sensitivity (NETD) as low as 25 mK, with variable frame rate output up to 100 Hz full frame.
EMERALD cameras are COTS devices, well suited to a wide range of applications including high-resolution surveillance systems, target signature data collection and analysis, range tracking, high-speed imaging and non-destructive testing.
Dedicated to operating optimally with full TV format focal plane arrays EMERALD cameras provide a wide range of digital image processing features. Output available are analog video, PAL or NTSC and digital video over 14 bits LVDS. EMERALD cameras are fully controllable from a host computer through a communications port, for users who wish to integrate the camera into a larger system. Exposure time and external synchronisation modes, as well as other key parameters, are all programmable by the internal software.
Visit the CEDIP web site.