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Submit an Article

IRINFO.ORG is always in search of technical articles to share with our readers, and we welcome the input of authors from around the world.  We invite you to showcase your technical expertise and gain valuable exposure for your company and services by submitting an article for publication on our website.

Please complete the information below to submit an article to be considered for publication at IRINFO.ORG. Please keep in mind that:

  • The article must be original work
  • You must certify that you are the author
  • The article must not have appeared elsewhere
  • Articles and submitted graphics are subject to editorial approval prior to being posted at IRINFO.ORG

Submit an Article

By completing this form, I affirm that the submitted article and any images contained therein is an original work and that I am authorized to submit it for posting at IRINFO.ORG. I further release and hold harmless IRINFO.ORG and its owners and employees from any claim of copyright infringement that may result from any images that I submit.