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Tip of the Week Archive

Designing a Website - Why You Should Hire a Professional

September 11, 2006

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Designing a Website – Why You Should Hire a Professional

Creating an appealing, functional, and effective website is much harder than it looks. It’s not simply a matter of taking a company brochure or catalog, converting the text to HTML, and throwing in a few pictures.

A website is a 24-hour a day advertisement for your company and should be treated as such. You wouldn’t turn over the design of your next direct mail piece, newspaper ad, or TV commercial to an amateur, and the same should hold true for your website. Actually, more care should be given to your website considering the potential number of online viewers is much greater than the audience for any other communication medium.

A website should not be static; it should be dynamic, offering the possibility of interacting with others in a way that traditional media can’t. As websites become more sophisticated, so does the need for experienced developers. Web designers also need to be familiar with the peculiarities of this new medium. Your website will be viewed by different people from all over the world using vastly different equipment.

How do you design a page that needs to fit onto several different size monitor screens, set at a number of different resolutions, using a variety of different browser software? The best choice is to hire a professional web developer who will discuss available options and work with you to find the best solution for your business. Above all, resist the temptation to design your own website!

Designing an effective website is part art, part science and a little luck. You need an experienced professional to get the best results. And, to some extent, the old adage applies, “you get what you pay for.”

Tip provided by WebSolutions Technology, Inc.

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