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Tip of the Week Archive

Preventing Falls in Icy Weather

February 03, 2025

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Tip provided by Conoco Phillips

Numerous injuries result from slips and falls on icy sidewalks, parking lots, roads and other outdoor locations every year. Snow removal, sanding and salting of these types of areas can help but, many times, total elimination of snow/ice hazards are impossible and other measures must be used to cope with these problems.

Focus on your walking path and pick steps that minimize or eliminate your exposure to icy slips. This is a time during which keeping your “eyes and mind on path” is more critical than ever.

TOW_3_1_2010_conoco_phillips_logoAccept and anticipate the fact that you are at risk of falling at any given moment when walking on ice. Adjust your stride so your center of gravity is maintained as directly above your feet as possible by taking shorter steps than usual.

Don’t ignore the hazard presented by a slippery surface in your immediate path or work area. Take the time to spread sand, salt, or calcium chloride on icy areas and notify your Supervisor if further action is necessary. Keep in mind that salt (chloride) containing material is incompatible with stainless steel and is not to be used where contact can be made.

Footwear should have slip resistant soles. Avoid leather soled shoes. Equate this to driving a car with bald tires in the winter. You need something suitable to grip the surface you intend to walk on.

Wipe your feet off at the entrance of buildings so others won’t slip and fall on melted snow that has been tracked into the building.

TOW_3_1_2010_1Like the ice under your feet, beware of icicles over your head; they can be dangerous. Although you cannot stop them from forming, you can minimize their effects by controllably knocking them down.

Whether you’re dealing with an overhead or underfoot ice hazard, if you can’t control it, barricade or rope the area off.

When walking down stairs with or without an item in one hand, Safety In Motion has a technique that can reduce your chance of falling down the stairs. Grasp the handrail in the palm up position trailing behind you instead of your direction of travel. Your feet should be positioned at a slight angle toward that railing. Should you loose your balance, your grip on the handrail in this position will cause you to come to a stop against the handrail instead of falling down the stairs. Try the technique and become comfortable with it before you need it. Make protecting yourself a top priority!

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