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Tip of the Week Archive

SEO is DEAD..!!

September 24, 2012

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SEO is DEAD..!!
Tip written by: Accolade Group of Vermont, LLC

SEO_TombstoneThat’s the headline that has appeared in the last few weeks in not a few publications across the USA. So, what does it mean and is it really true?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and if there is anyone in the business world who doesn’t know what that is…then SEO really isdead. SEO, simply stated, is the working with a website to manipulate a number of key factors that Google and other Search Engines look at to determine whether to include your website on the results page when someone does a search.

For a long time those factors included but were not limited to keywords, links to your website, the size font you used on the page for headlines, the description of your webpage and the title of your webpage. Although there is still much talk about metatag keywords, it should be noted that Google abandoned that datum a few years ago.

If there was any doubt about SEO being still alive, Google certainly made it difficult on websites with their release of Panda (February 2011) and, recently, Penguin (April 24, 2012). Panda and Penguin are code names of the update of the Google algorithm that evaluates a website for inclusion in the search engine result pages. The most recent modification to Panda was July 28, 2012. So, what did Panda and Penguin do?

The most interesting change with Panda is that an entire website is rated and ranked as opposed to a single webpage. This means that if Google considers a website of low quality, then all the individual changes to single pages won’t do much to promote your website.

So, if the above is YOUR definition of SEO, then, SEO is dead.

However, if you have been paying attention to what’s going on in cyberspace than you have perhaps heard about Twitter, FaceBook, Google+. You have probably heard about blogs and YouTube. All of these platforms are known collectively as Social Media.

This is where you need to look now if you are interested in SEO. What do all of the above sites have in common? People. People talking to People. People giving their opinions about a number of topics including websites. This is where SEO is right now.

What does it take to get people to talk about your website? There are a number of actions that you can take but one above all stands out: content. Really good content that provides value to people and then….well, people talk about things that provide value to them.

Consequently, the winning combination is Good Content that is promoted in Social Media that gets the attention of Google and other search engines. Then, your website will rank well on the results page. For the company that does this, SEO is very much alive!

Accolade Group of Vermont, LLC
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