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Tip of the Week Archive

Solving Li-Ion Battery Problems

November 17, 2008

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Solving Li-Ion Battery Problems
Tip provided by Michael Sharlon Thermasearch of Arkansas

Batteries are the lifeblood of portable thermal imagers. Without them, nothing happens. This Tip provides a possible solution for solving one type of problem with Lithium Ion batteries.

Two common problems with late model Flir imagers are aging of the Lithium Ion battery and the inability to charge one of these batteries because you get a blinking red failure light on the charger.

In the first instance, the battery does not seem to last as long. Try to recharge in the external charger then use the battery until the first low battery indication on your imager. Do not wait for the imager to shut down! This is one of the most common reasons for the battery chargers blinking red “battery failure” light. With the first low battery indication, charge the battery as soon as possible while still in the imager. Do not use the external charger. Do this a couple of times. The charger in the imager is better equipped in most instances to (re)condition the battery.

In the second instance, the blinking red battery charger light may be caused by the battery being used until completely discharged and faulting the battery’s embedded PC chip. If this indication occurs, try putting the battery back into the imager (unless shorted, the battery charge will partially bounce back when removed from the imager) and turning the imager back on. Once cycled on immediately turn it off (this resets the battery’s embedded chip) and try putting it into the external charger for recharge. If the battery now starts to charge you can breathe a little easier. If not, replacement of the battery pack may be necessary.

FLIR reps and techs provided the above suggestions and I have found them to be good tips.

~ Tip provided by Michael Sharlon
Thermasearch of Arkansas

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