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Tip of the Week Archive

When Should You Upgrade Your Imager?

April 25, 2022

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When Should You Upgrade Your Imager?

With any technology, change is inevitable. Advances in infrared imager technology now provide thermographers with new equipment choices on a semiannual basis. With more choices than ever, it is important for thermographers to be able to determine when they should upgrade their imager.

With the recent introduction of 640 x 480 pixel imagers, many have suggested that thermographers with older imaging systems will suffer a loss of business to those with newer equipment. While increased resolution may seem desirable, of greater importance is matching infrared equipment to the task at hand. For imaging large objects or imaging at close range, imagers with lesser resolution may be sufficient to the task.

In addition to improved image quality, there are technical and sound business reasons to consider an upgrade. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Increased portability, functionality, and/or ease of use
  • Improved measurement accuracy
  • Better availability of service, parts, and calibration
  • New business opportunities afforded by new equipment
  • Customer demand for new features and benefits

Depending upon the age of existing equipment, there may be financial advantages to upgrading or acquiring new equipment. Typically, a professional accountant can offer the best advice in this area.

Infrared equipment selection and operation are two of the many topics covered in all Level I Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographer® training courses. Open enrollment classes are available at several locations each month and through our Distance Learning Program. For information on thermographer training including course locations and dates, visit us online at or call us at 609-239-4788.


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