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Tip of the Week Archive

Infrared Prior to PM Shutdowns

April 17, 2023

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Infrared Prior to PM Shutdowns

Many facilities undergo regularly scheduled shutdowns for preventive maintenance. Performed prior to shutdowns, infrared inspections can help to point out potential problems in electrical and mechanical systems and allow for more effective use of resources during a shutdown.

When planning a scheduled outage, it is a good practice to perform infrared inspections four to six weeks prior to the outage. Doing so can uncover hidden problems and allow for scheduling of additional requisite manpower and/or obtaining replacement parts prior to the shutdown. Infrared inspections can also save money by helping to direct maintenance efforts where they will be most needed during the planned outage.

Pre-outage infrared inspections should be performed with subject equipment energized and operating under normal load. Inspections should be performed by trained and certified thermographers who are familiar with the equipment being inspected. A follow-up infrared inspection of all repaired/retrofitted equipment should then be performed within 48 hours of repair or installation to confirm that repairs were effective.

For more information on thermographer training and certification, or to obtain a copy of the Standard for Infrared Inspection of Electrical Systems and Rotating Equipment, please contact Infraspection Institute at 609-239-4788 or visit us online at


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