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RSS News Feeds – An Easy Way to Stay Current

October 11, 2010

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RSS News Feeds – An Easy Way to Stay Current

RSS feeds have become a means for automatically receiving information from web publishers on a wide variety of topics. RSS feeds can provide thermographers with up-to-the minute news and information on thermography and related PdM and NDT topics.

One of the definitions of RSS is “Really Simple Syndication”. It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people. An RSS feed is sometimes called an “RSS Channel.” RSS works by having the website author maintain a list of notifications on his/her website. This list of notifications is called an “RSS Feed.”

Thermographers can benefit from an RSS feed by having the feed automatically deliver content to their computer. This is accomplished via software programs called “News Readers” or “RSS Aggregators.” There are many aggregators available for free as well as some that charge a fee. Every aggregator is different but each one will allow you to create an incoming feed that interests you.

Upon selecting and installing your aggregator, enter the URL of each RSS feed you wish to receive into the appropriate location in your aggregator. By running your aggregator in automatic mode, it will periodically check the internet to see if selected feeds have been updated. If the aggregator finds an update, it will download the updated information to your computer. Then, when you read a headline that interests you, just click on it and you’ll be able to read the full story.

Both and offer free news feeds. To receive feeds from these websites, enter the URLs listed below into your aggregator program.



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